Mount Agung Animal Rescue
Bali’s sacred Mount Agung is on its way to eruption. Thousands of residents of surrounding villages have been evacuated to safe shelters along with their valuable livestocks, leaving domestic animals in dangerous area without supplies. Hand in hand with volunteers BaliRUSS work on Mount Agung animal rescue to help them. Every single day we drive up to the “red zones” to supply them with food and water, as well as evacuating them to safer place.
Thousands of Bali stray dogs are subject severe threats.
Being stray their life is surrounded by severe threats, from being abused, consumed, as well as eliminated on the name of rabies prevention. Interested to join our Bali animal rescue initiative to save them? Provide save place to live, either at your own residence or at our shelter.
Interested to lend a hand?
Help them by providing a safe place to live at your home. If you are interested to have pet, a dog or a cat in particular, choose Bali dog or local cat instead of breeder-born foreign races. Adopt Bali dog from our shelter to make vacant space to accommodate more as our Bali animal rescue team keeps on their work to help unlucky street animals. You can also help us with donation so we can expand the capacity of our Bali animal shelter as well as purchase more food and other supply to accommodate more.
BaliRuSS Activities: Focused on Animal Life

Promoting better awareness in animal care by educating pet owners both in general pet care as well as preventing them from abusing their pet. We also continuously motivate people to choose local Bali cats and dogs instead of expensive foreign races.

Medical treatment both consulting and medication for dogs and cats both stray and owned by those with financial constrains that prevent them to give a good care of their pets.

Dogs and cats considered too weak to live on their own for various reasons (disease, wound, age, etc.) will be taken in by our Bali animal rescue team for treatment. Some of them are adopted afterward, leaving the rest remains at the shelter for a long while.

Temporary home for dogs and cats, especially those caught in rescue operation. Many of them arrive in a severe condition for various reasons and live healthy and happily at the shelter after major treatment efforts.
Interested to Contribute?
Depends on your interest and available resources, your contribution to animal welfare – especially Bali cats and dogs – can come in a number of ways. Feel free to choose the most affordable one.
Adoption and Foster
Bringing a pet from our shelter to live at your residence gives more than just a decent place to stay but also warmth of a family. It also creates a vacant capacity at our shelter for another animal. Ready-to-adopt animals are in good shape, both physically an mentally. Interested to help even more? Then choose a disabled but healthy one.
You can join our activities as a volunteer. Range of activities spans from taking care of the shelters and its tenants (cleaning, feeding, walking, treatment, etc.) to field activities like education campaign, Bali animal rescue operation, and field treatment. At the least you can lend a little time – wherever you are – by promoting animal welfare and BaliRuSS activities.
Our operation requires financing, and there are many more stray animals out there to be helped. The more we can do, the more impact we can bring, and obviously the more financial resources are needed. Donations in any forms are welcome, especially cash and supplies (i.e. foods, medicines, etc.)
Desirable Forms of Donation
Financial donation is the most flexible form both for you and for BaliRuSS. It is severely needed in almost every side of both our activities as well as our shelter operation. Maintenance, foods, supplements, medicines, transport, hospital treatments, and many more. Your donation allows us to do more for more animals.
Certain goods – like foods and medicines – are continuously needed so anytime are welcomed. We also needs other relevant goods like blankets, towels, cages, are also needed. Occasionally we also need building materials for expansion and maintenance of our shelter.
Program-Related Donation
From time to time BaliRuSS involved or hold specific programs that require financing to ensure their success. Examples for these program include campaign again dog meat consumption, rescuing animals from elimination, mass sterilization to maintain population, etc.
Program Orang Tua Asuh (OTA) – Foster Parents Program
Those interested in animal joining Bali animal rescue activity but find limited ability to take care of pet at home can join this program. With our OTA Program, all you need to do is sending us a certain amount of money every month to cover the needs of the animal you choose to foster. The animal will stay at our shelter and you can come to visit and give your “parent’s touch” anytime you want.